Lee Escalante / April 16, 2020
The Great Wildebeest Migration: A Phenomenon Of Epic Proportion

The Most Spectacular Wildlife Wonder Unlike Any Other RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! Can you imagine hearing this in your head from the moment you are born and every day since then for the rest of your life? Sounds crazy right? But then again, “crazy” might just be the perfect word to describe how it feels […]

Farmers plucking fresh Produce in the Sinoi Community
Lee Escalante / April 8, 2020
Cultivating Community Relationships

As much as possible, One Nature uses locally sourced ingredients and fresh organic produce to make up a large part of our kitchen requirements and daily menu offerings.

Best Guided African Safari
Lee Escalante / April 1, 2020
Guiding Guests To A Wild Journey Of Discovery

Andrew Kavenga: One Nature Family Head Guide Guided by passion. Driven by an abiding love for nature. No truer words can best describe the way Andrew Robert Kavenga does his job. Andrew has always been a steadfast advocate of sustainable tourism and firmly believes that companies promoting a greener future should be able to “walk […]

Big 5 sighting on Game Drive
Lee Escalante / March 25, 2020
Take A Ride On An African Safari Game Drive

Experience the Wildest Joy Ride Ever! How to best describe an African safari game drive? Well, for most people, the term “joy ride” by itself already evokes a certain sense of excitement that inspires visions of blue skies, back roads and the wind blowing freely through the open windows. Fun, carefree moments and daring adventures […]

Tanzanian cuisine
Lee Escalante / March 19, 2020
Discovering Delicious Tanzanian Dishes

A Taste of Mouthwatering Tanzanian Meals Soul Food If there was ever a phrase that can best describe Tanzanian cuisine, these two simple words would be it. What’s in it? To begin with, Tanzanian dishes are often made using simple, readily available and fresh ingredients like beans, cornmeal, pilaf and millet as well as plantains […]

Big 5 on an African safari
Lee Escalante / March 11, 2020
Fascinating Facts About The Big Five Of Africa

Fascinating Fact About African Lions Humans normally walk with the foot landing first on the heel and then pushing off on the toes. Lions, on the other hand, walk using mostly just their well-padded “toes” (imagine yourself on “tiptoe” all the time!). This surprising ability helps them sneak close to their intended prey without making […]

Lee Escalante / March 4, 2020
De-Snaring The Serengeti

ONE NATURE is a founding member of SENAPA Investors and proudly supports the Serengeti De-Snaring Programme — a joint project between Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), SENAPA INVESTORS and Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS).

Lee Escalante / February 17, 2020
We Love a Greener Future

Nurturing nature is as important to us as taking care of our Guests. This is why we make sure to take the time to play our part in ensuring a greener future, ONE tree at a time.